Designed to milk you!
Designers of the game want you to spend real money on getting things done. Presented as a game to design a city by selling goods. You will never be able to design anything-you never have enough goods, building materials you need(they send an abundance of one or two types of building materials by train but the ones you need never seem to arrive), crop space to grow things. Example: it takes 15 hours to wait for silk to grow and 12 hours for rubber. Once you grow the rubber or silk it takes 2-3 hours to make a sheet of plastic or some glue or silk fabric. Everything takes hours to make and you never have enough. You are frustated at every turn. So… you spend money at the Apple app store. Kudos to the designers who are billionaires by now. Not a game for children. Too complicated and frustrating. This is like having a job- juggling orders, filling orders, growing crops ad nauseum.
Sucker for spending money about